The Kosrae Mooring Buoy Project
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Performing Buoy Maintenance
During 1995, members of the recreational diving community and
representatives of the Kosraean State addressed the possibility
of installing a system of mooring buoys in anticipation of increased
diving and fishing pressure on the reefs. In early 1996, three
individuals on Kosrae were trained by Environmental Moorings International
(Florida) in the use of drilling equipment and in buoy installation
procedures. Sample buoy systems were obtained at that time for
training purposes.
During August of 1996, a team of eight divers from the United
States volunteered their time in support of the Mooring Buoy Project.
In cooperation with local dive operators and the Kosrae Department of
Marine Resources, this team helped lay the groundwork for buoy
installation by developing and testing a site survey and resource
inventory methodology. Using video and still photography and a
survey protocol based on methods developed by the South Pacific
Commission, the dive team documented initial sites and established
procedures to facilitate follow-on buoy installation and monitoring.
During late 1996, a grant was received from the Hawaii Sea
Grant program which enabled the purchase of 53 Halas type buoys,
anchors, and installation supplies. In 1997, an additional grant
was secured from the Australian Embassy to Kosrae which enabled
the purchase of a hydraulic drilling system to support installation
of the buoys. In that same year, over 50 buoy sites were drilled
and installed. In addition to the installation of the buoys, an
education campaign, including maps, pamphlets, radio time, and
community events has been prepared to make the Kosraeans aware
of and appreciate the benefits of the buoys.