The Kosrae Coral Reef Monitoring Project -- Information for Participants
For Participants
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Post Dive Transport with Air Condtioning
The project team for the coming season will develop video and photographic records, perform transect
surveys, measure visibility, make temperature measurements and collect samples for water salinity and pH testing,
as well as record other observational data consistent with current project protocols.
This year's team will implement revised protocols primarily designed to address specific issues identified by
the Kosrae State Department of Marine Resources.
Collected data will be collated, entered into an archival database,
analyzed and provided to the State Department of Marine Resources
as well as other researchers. Photo and video records will be
processed in a manner consistent with their future
use for comparative temporal studies.
To participate in the monitoring project you must possess a current certification
from a recognized dive certification agency at the Open Water level or above.
Divers must meet current medical requirements for recreational diving. Divers will be asked to supply
a brief history of their skills and experience. Divers must provide personal gear,
with the exception of tanks and weightbelts. All participants will be required to
provide proof of diving insurance from a recognized agency. All participants will be
required to sign standard recreational diving liability releases
For detailed information on the project participation
please contact oceanearth.